Business-to-consumer (b2c) Segment in USA accounts for almost one-quarter of total e-commerce worldwide today
At Netweb group, we offer total solution for this upcoming segment with state of art technology. Our hardcore software and application specialists will chip in to architect, test, proof and eventually build your solution using a meld of modern technologies. To keep your online superstore running into the future.
Netweb group's excellent understanding of marketing and customer behavior allows you to exploit this new route to market, ensuring, you maximize your revenue and customer service potential.
Net web group will translate tremendous Business to Consumer (B2C) opportunities for you. Particularly if you already have in place a physical store or retail chain selling products and services.
Our Consulting team will take over first. Dreaming up your online superstore from scratch, they will develop your business strategy and chart your course of action. And map your existing processes into a digital environment.
Some of the sites online and under completion are: