Fast-paced business and technical forces have brought about an explosion of warehousing activity, a trend so strong that it dominates current computing architectures. On the technical front, computing has and will continue to get "faster, cheaper, smaller", information is and will be "everywhere", complexity will get harder and harder to manage with no end in sight. From the business perspective, increased global competition and lower profit margins makes it imperative to have up-to-the-minute information about customers, suppliers, and product performance in order to lead today's companies. The time-to-market pressure on information systems to satisfy this need has become so intense that it is now a $2.9B market worldwide


This is a B2B portal, a Market Place for the IT industry which presents a one-way access for organizations that are looking for people to do their projects and for organizations that are willing to do the projects.  It provides a gateway for Organizations to place their requests for projects and to bid for the requests that have been placed.  It also provides a gateway for organizations to place their products for sale on the web.  The web site provides a secured and easy medium for business that brings the Buyers and Sellers onto a single platform.


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